What Do The Different Levels Of Energy Audits Entail?
Level 1:
In a Level 1 energy audit, Bonded's survey team walks through the building recording observable sources of energy loss or deficiencies that can be corrected with low- or no-cost repairs and installations, such as replacing incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lighting, lowering the boiler cycle time, installing insulation around a drafty window, lowering domestic hot water temperature, insulating ductwork and piping, etc.
Level 2:
A Level 2 energy audit entails a more detailed building survey and includes computer-generated energy modeling used to develop an Energy Action Plan. Some of the systems and components analyzed in a Level 2 audit are boilers, chillers, piping, pumps, ventilation controls, steam traps, and insulation.
The Energy Action Plan in a Level 2 audit outlines low- and no-cost measures that improve energy efficiency. The plan also recommends adjustments and basic capital improvements that can be made to major building systems, such as HVAC, electrical, and plumbing, to optimize their operational performance.
Level 3:
A Level 3 energy audit expands on the review and analysis of the building systems and components performed in Level 1 and 2. In addition to listing low- and no-cost measures and minor adjustments to improve operating efficiency, the Energy Action Plan in a Level 3 audit includes detailed recommendations for major capital improvements, such as a heating plant upgrade, roof replacement, re-piping program, etc., that would provide the greatest measures of energy savings.
What Level Audit Is Right for Your Building?
The type of energy audit best suited for your building depends largely on the size, age, and condition of the property. For smaller buildings (typically less than 10 units) with basic mechanical systems, a Level 1 audit is likely sufficient, while larger buildings with more extensive systems probably require a Level 3 audit. Older buildings with aging heating, electrical, and plumbing systems, as well as buildings that have not been well maintained, would also be better served with a Level 2 or 3 audit, whereas a more recently built building fitted with energy-efficient components may need only a Level 1.
New York City's new Local Law 87/09 requires buildings larger than 50,000 square feet to have a Level 2 energy audit conducted every 10 years. Properties seeking NYSERDA funding through the Multifamily Performance Program must also have a Level 2 audit conducted.
As part of our initial evaluation of a property, Bonded will provide owners with a proposal recommending which energy audit level is best suited for their property and outlining the scope of work and cost involved for each level.