EmPower New York delivers energy saving to low-income New Yorkers. On-site energy use education provides customers with additional strategies for managing their energy costs.
Key Benefits
Cost-effective electric reduction measures such as high efficiency lighting and refrigerator replacements
Home performance strategies such as insulation and air sealing
Services are free to income-eligible households
Who is Eligible?
Participants must live in a building with 100 units or less and either participate in a utility low-income payment assistance program or have a household income at or below 60% of State Median Income (i.e., HEAP eligible).
What is the Cost?
There is no cost to the customer. For renters, certain measures that directly benefit the eligible tenant are provided without a landlord contribution.
Who Provides the Services
Honeywell International was selected by NYSERDA to implement the program. The energy efficiency services are delivered by private contractors and participating Weatherization Agencies, all of whom are Building Performance Institute Accredited.
How to Apply
Referrals will be accepted from participating utilities, local Offices for the Aging and Weatherization Agencies. Energy efficiency services are prioritized based on the potential for cost-effective energy usage reduction. For additional information contact Honeywell International at 1-800-263-0960 or request an application online.
Through a holistic, whole building approach,...