Green Jobs Green New York is a state wide program brought to you by NYSERDA that provides New Yorkers with access to comprehensive home assessments, installation services, low-cost financing (currently for residential customers only), and pathways to training for various green-collar careers. Bonded works with Constituency - Based Organizations (CBOs) that connects consumers to NYSERDA products such as the free or reduced cost comprehensive home assessments (energy audits) provided by area Building Performance Institute accredited contractors through workshops, techincal and financial services, and training opportunities.
In order to qualify for a free/reduced-cost residential energy audit you must:
Own the 1- to 4- unit residential buildings
Provide a summary of the annual electric and heating usage for the building (a utility bill that lists annual usage and/or a 12-24 month summary from an oil, propane, or other heating fuel vendor).
Have not previously received a free/reduced cost audit
Have a total household income at or below 200% (free) - 400% (reduced cost) of Area Median Income (AMI)
Once a comprehensive home assessment application is complete, a reservation number will be mailed or emailed to you by NYSERDA. Please be advised that once you receive your comprehensive home assessment reservation number, you will have 90 days to complete a comprehensive home assessment by a participating BPI accredited contractor.
GJGNY offers low interest loans through Energy Financing Solutions. For loan detail see NYSERDA Financing .
For households below 80% AMI, you may qualify for a subsidy that will cover half of eligible improvements through NYSERDA’s Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® program!
Beginning January 30, 2012, you can now finance energy efficiency upgrades with low interest payments conveniently built into your existing utility bill. Offset your payments with the savings you earn! Learn more about the On-Bill Recovery Loan Program.
Through a holistic, whole building approach,...